Monday, December 13, 2010

You are transmitters...

What an idea! Come to think of it: 'we are transmitters'...this is the kind of stuff that keeps young people, boys or girls, dreaming for ages - unable to sleep. And we have lost the art of dreaming, of imagining...and sometimes when we read casually what Mother reveals to us in such simple, but oh! so profound terms, we are truly awestruck!
We are transmitters...! It's like reading and enjoying comic books like Batman and Robin, or Superman, or Spysmasher, or Captain Marvel. I did when I was young, and I used up all the money I earned at the golf course just buying those comic books. And when we couldn't buy a comic, we exchanged with someone else from our old stock, because those stories carried us into a wonderful world of imagination, where the good guys always had the last word. We can relive that today in reality, which is much better than reality TV! And it's all for free and so real...just imagine it...we are transmitters of Divine Love, and with this we can be agents of change!

Here's what Mother says:

You are transmitters

You are transmitters. Everywhere you are sitting in meditation you are transmitting vibrations, do you know that? At that time if you are thinking, say of your jobs and your other things which you have been thinking before, the transmission is poorer. Think of love. Think of the whole country, think of the whole world at that time. You are transmitters of these waves of love, and love will flow from you.

I told you once that you are made in the form of Ganesha, and that’s what you have to do. You know there are vibrations from you coming out. You are sending vibrations out, you know that. That means you are like any deity which is thrown out of the Mother’s, I mean Earth’s, womb, and a big temple is raised, and thousands of people go to worship that. And they say it is a temple, of a Jagrut Devta, means a person…jagrut means enlightened, awakened. And that’s just a stone, a stone that comes out and people build a temple on top of that and go there and worship that, while there are so many already sitting here, so many jagrut, realized souls. These are living, these are moving, these are understanding. They maneuvere. The stones only emit vibrations, to clear the atmosphere, but you, you can raise the Kundalini. They cannot raise the Kundalini, you can.

And what are you doing about it? Such a precious thing you have got. What are you doing about it? Is it because there is no business with it, that we are taking it so slowly? Supposing it’s an enterprise, then everybody would be up and doing. Is it? We have to change our ways and methods of understanding. The reward of God is thousand-fold than any enterprise can bestow upon you. When He blesses you, you wouldn’t even have words to thank Him, to that extent He goes.

Are we depending on Him or on our own old ways? We have to change very much, we have to transform ourself into new style of thinking. It is very, very important. I hope you’ll think about it, what I have talked to you today. Don’t take to life which has not brought any happiness to you. You have your friends, who are Sahaja Yogis. Change your friends. Change your methods of life. You’ll enjoy much more.

This is for you to understand, about yourself and about the importance of Sahaja Yoga. Unless and until it is an enterprise, nobody takes it up seriously. This is the style of Western thinking. It has to be whether it is hocus-pocus or real enterprise, doesn’t matter. As long as there is money exchanges, everybody is up, and doing. But when it comes to Sahaja Yoga, they have no time, even to meditate. Because we have not yet loved, we have not felt that love within ourselves. I wish you could all feel that depth of love. Then you would go all out, to work it out for yourself and for others.

H.H.Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, extract from Talk at Caxton Hall, 15/10/79

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Saturday, October 30, 2010

If you are one with the Divine

If you are one with the Divine, it looks after you. It has all the powers. Only one power it doesn’t have - to control you. If you want to ruin yourself, it gives you freedom…It is a complete freedom to do what you like with yourself. That is one thing it has given and that’s why you must curb down that freedom and respect the Divine Power. 
 Shri Mataji
Taken from Divine Cool Breeze, 2009 issue 2, Volume 22, Number 2, Page 18

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Enlightened Temple

"The body of a human being is a temple of God. But this temple has to be enlightened and has to be auspicious. You have to clear and clean your being completely, so it’s a beautiful temple for God to reside."
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi – 27 Sept. 1980 – Public Talk, London, England.

Monday, August 9, 2010

A Cloud hides the Sun and Also Makes it Seen

1975 letter from  Shri Mataji to sahaja yogis, written on May 5th, 5 years after the opening of Sahasrara Chakra at the universal level
Attention, Maya and Walking on the Path…
In 1975, Shri Mataji (the founder of Sahaja Yoga Meditation) celebrated Sahasrara Day in London with about twenty to twenty-five invited people. On that same day, she sent a letter in Marathi to the Sahaja Yogis in India. Excerpts are provided below.
“I am explaining, in this letter,” She wrote, “what is Unreal. It should be read out to all and assimilated by all.”
Your name, village, country, horoscope, forecasts, many such things get attached to you or others attach them to you.
Once the Brahmarandhra (the top of the head -fontanel bone area, the core of Sahasrara chakra) is closed, many types of illusory ideas become part of your mind….
Only that attention which progresses, renouncing all that is unreal, breaks all known and unknown bindings becomes verily the Self.
Atma (the Spirit) is never disturbed or destroyed.    Only human attention, in pursuit of desires, leaves its inner path.
This is Maya (the Illusion). She has been intentionally created. Without her, the Attention would not have developed.
You should not be afraid of Maya and should recognize her so  that She will illuminate your path.
A Cloud hides the Sun and also makes it seen.
In the same way, once the Maya is identified, she moves aside and the Sun is seen. The Sun is always there, but what is the purpose of the Cloud? Because of the Cloud, you have an urge to see the Sun, which shines for a moment and again hides somewhere. It gives strength and courage to your sight to see the sun.
Man has been created with such great efforts. Only one step on his feet and all is successful. But still, it is not becoming possible. Hence, I have come as your Mother….
Attention should always be kept going deeper and deeper within. Forget the outside as much as possible. Have confidence that everything about it is taken care of. There are many instances to prove it. Then, in whatever you do, your attention remains in oneness with the Self. All bindings of sin and merit are snapped. Distinctions like
worldly and nonwordly vanish because that wicked darkness, which has created all the discriminations, ends. Everything becomes auspicious in the light of true knowledge, whether it is the destruction done by Shri Krishna or the cross of Shri Jesus.
All this will not be understood by explaining. Just showing the path will not help.
The path will be known only after walking on it….
Many Blessings and Infinite Love to you all.
Ever Yours,
Your Mother, Nirmala
Ref: Divine Cool Breeze Magazine, Volume 14, Number 4, July-August 2001, page 32
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